A company is only as good as how it treats its people.

For 150 years Blundstone has prided itself on positive employment practices. During that time we’ve never experienced work force strikes.

Over the last ten years we have significantly expanded our manufacturing operations from our home in Hobart Tasmania. Our supply management and manufacturing has grown to now include key partners in Vietnam, Mexico, India, China and Thailand.

In working across the globe, we seek partners that have the same ethics when it comes to employment practices. We seek out leadership in sustainability, better working conditions, and delivering above minimum standards.

Meet the people who are at the heart of our supply management and manufacturing.

Ethical Business Practices

We dedicate more than 6,000 hours annually to supply chain assessment and monitoring across our supplier and manufacturing locations across the globe to ensure best practice labour outcomes are achieved. We have zero tolerance for corruption, bribery, extortion and embezzlement.


Voluntary employment

All manufacturers must only use voluntary labour, no form of forced, indentured or bonded labour is tolerable.


Independent auditing

By working with the British Standards Institution (BSI), this independent third party performs regular audits to give us deeper understanding of how us and our partners are progressing towards our shared goals.

Freedom to get a fair deal

We advocate for all direct and contract employees to have the right to freedom of association and to bargain without fear of harassment or discrimination. Employees must have the ability to approach management on issues of concern on their own, or through representation.


No discrimination

We will not stand for discrimination. This includes bias based on gender, race, religion, age, ability, sexual orientation, social or ethnic origin.

All of our footwear assembly factories provide paid maternity leave for their employees, and we demand fair treatment of pregnant workers and new mothers.

No child labour

We have extensive safeguards in place to prevent any under-age workers from exploitation.


Fair working hours

Through the review of timesheets, onsite audits and face-to-face verification with employees we adhere to local labour law and regulations.

No harassment or abuse

Every individual matters and must be respected in the workplace. Since we implemented an audit system three years ago, there has been no known or documented labour strikes at supplier factories.


Employee pay

All employees are paid at or above the minimum wage in the country of operation.


Safe and comfortable working conditions

All employees have the right to feel safe in their place of employment. The wellbeing of workers within all workspaces is critical. From ventilation and first aid, to emergency exits and sanitisation, all employees must have access to these facilities without restrictions..

Correct records

Suppliers are required to keep accurate, transparent timesheets and follow human resource practices.


Modern Slavery Statement

Blundstone formalised its statement on Modern Slavery in compliance with the Australian Government Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth). As a business we acknowledge there are risks of modern slavery and human trafficking throughout the value chain. We work closely with our partners throughout the value chain to manage and mitigate these risks.


Our Modern Slavery statement sets out our commitment and outlines the steps we have taken to ensure compliance with the Australian Modern Slavery Act.

View our 2022 - 2023 Statement